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Dr. Kinjal Patel
Nature has given us teeth, no man can replace. A dentist can fix and repair all the abuses and damages incurred upon ones teeth, no thanks to modern life style and eating habits.
I have been a dentist in San Jose, CA for over 15+ years and have practiced in the Bay Area for over a decade, at times in a group practice and some years as an associate in a private practice. In my carrier I have treated a wide range of oral health issues from Root canals, extractions, implants, crowns and bridges.
My approach is conservative when it comes to dentistry and my primary objective is the preservation of the natural teeth as much as possible. I would address any immediate needs of the patient before I discuss any further treatments, while giving them my undivided attention and best recommendations for their oral health.
Being a mother of two young beautiful daughters, I know how difficult it can be to bring a child to a dentists office. My aim is to make them understand and comfort them through the experience. With Children in mind I have many distractions to help them during their visit like movies, toys and other tools such as Nitrous Oxide (conscious sedation).
Growing up and watching my dad, a dedicated family physician in a small town, helped me with my decision of being a dentist. Since childhood I have dreamt of being in a professional helping people in need. I am a firm believer in God's creation and amazed with nature and the perfect machine called man.
Skill and compassion go hand in hand when providing exceptional patient care. As a dental professional, I stay up to date on the latest advancements in dentistry in order to provide the most current treatment options for my patients. As a doctor, I recognize that my patients are unique individuals who have placed a great deal of trust in myself and my team. That is just one of many reasons why I value each and every patient relationship.
We appreciate the time you've taken to visit our website and find out more about our dental practice, our dental team in San Jose, CA, and the many services we can provide to help you achieve optimum oral health.