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Brushing and flossing regularly are important if you want to maintain your oral health. But, do you know the nutrients you consume are equally important? This article by the dentist in San Jose, CA delves into how different vitamins and minerals impact your oral health.
You can also visit Varni Dental in San Jose, California, for any additional queries or consultations.
Calcium helps strengthen the teeth and bones while protecting the tooth enamel. The daily intake of calcium should be 1,000mg for ages 19 to 50 and 1,200mg for 51 to 70 year old adults. Milk, soy-based products, green veggies, and cheese are calcium-rich sources of food.
Phosphorus helps rebuild tooth enamel, making it strong and healthy. It also helps the body absorb calcium. Foods containing phosphorus include fish, milk, meat, lentils, egg, and pumpkin seeds.
Potassium plays an important role in building healthy bones and teeth. It prevents bones from breaking and helps maintain bone density. Bananas, legumes, lima beans, tomatoes, avocados, and prunes are rich sources of phosphorus.
Vitamin A improves the absorption of calcium while also preventing dry mouth, which can cause tooth decay. Foods that are rich sources of vitamin A include carrots, apricots, poultry, and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It helps the development and repair of all body tissues and strengthens your gums. Vitamin C helps prevent gingivitis (gum disease). Leafy greens, oranges, apricots, pumpkins, and carrots are some of the foods that contain vitamin C.
Vitamin D allows your body to absorb calcium and helps boost bone mineral density. Lack of this vitamin can lead to calcium deficiency. It is naturally produced in our body if you expose yourself to direct sunlight. Other sources of Vitamin D include fatty fish, portobello mushrooms, cereals, and cheese.
Vitamin K supports the production of a chemical called ‘Osteocalcin’ which helps strengthen bones. Foods like broccoli, leafy greens, spinach, kale, and Brussels sprouts are rich sources of vitamin K.
Vitamin B12 and vitamin B2 prevent mouth ulcers. Meat, dairy products, eggs, salmon, spinach, and almonds are rich sources of vitamin B12 and vitamin B2.