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Children often fear that their dental appointments are going to be a painful experience. They become highly anxious and stressed regarding dental treatments. To make dental visits and treatments an easier process, the dentists provide sedation to the children. It is a safe method that pediatric dentists in San Jose, CA adopt to calm the children for the dental procedure.
Nitrous Oxide: It is the most common sedation provided to children during dental procedures. Nitrous Oxide, also known as laughing gas, is provided to the patient through a mask that is attached to the nose. It takes effect on the body immediately and wears off as soon as the mask is detached from the nose. Children can communicate to the dentist during the procedure and do not put them to complete sleep. It is a safe option for sedation that has no side effects on the children.
General Anesthesia: Children who are not ready to cooperate during dental treatments are provided General Anesthesia. It is a sedative that helps to put the child to sleep. It is administered by an anesthesiologist who has expertise regarding sedation. It is an ideal option for mentally and physically challenged children. General anesthesia is also appropriate for children who face behavioral challenges. The child will not have any memory about the treatment if they are provided general anesthesia.
Oral Conscious Sedation:Children who need to undergo non-painful dental procedures are provided with oral conscious sedation. It is consumed in the from of tablets before the procedure. The dentist prescribes the pill depending upon the age of the patient and the type of treatment. The patient is monitored throughout the procedure with the help of a pulse dosimeter. Oral Conscious Sedation enables communication during the treatment, but the child may not have a memory of the treatment. Call us now.
Sedation is a safe process for children. It helps to reduce the fear regarding dental appointments and resolves dental phobia. Dentists in San Jose, CA make sure that they provide all the information about the effects of sedation on the children before initiating the sedation process. The parent can take an appropriate decision for their children with the help of the dentist.