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A root canal infection occurs when bacteria enter a tooth and cause inflammation. This is also called an abscess. This often happens when a cavity goes untreated and leads to bacteria infecting the pulp inside the tooth. This infection leads to swelling, pain, and a pus-filled pocket.
Root canal infections occur when the pulp, the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures, cracks, or chips in the tooth. Bacteria enter the pulp and cause infection, leading to pain, swelling, and sometimes the formation of an abscess at the root tip. If left untreated, the infection can spread to surrounding tissues and bone, causing significant oral health issues. Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is performed to remove the infected pulp, disinfect the canal, and seal the tooth to prevent further infection.
A root canal infection can be painful and uncomfortable. However, some patients experience no symptoms at all. If you do notice any symptoms, they may include the following:
A root canal infection is diagnosed when you experience pain, swelling, and sensitivity in the area around the tooth. You may also notice that the affected tooth is darker than your other teeth or that your gums are swollen.
Root canal infections can occur when bacteria reach the pulp of a tooth. The bacteria can multiply, causing an infection. A root canal infection cannot repair itself and will eventually cause an abscess. Symptoms can include varying amounts of pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, bad taste, and swollen gums.
Root canal infection is a serious dental condition that requires immediate care. If left untreated, the infection can spread throughout your body. A root canal involves the removal of the infected pulp from the tooth. The dentist in San Jose, CA will then clean and disinfect the tooth. If the tooth is severely damaged, the dentist may place a crown on top of the tooth. Once the infection is cleared, the dentist will refill the tooth with gutta-percha and provide a temporary restoration.
By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing root canal infections and maintain optimal oral health.