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When you have a newborn, you will spend a lot of time looking at their fingers and toes, watching their hair grow, and laughing at all of the funny faces they make regularly. As a new parent, you're sure to also have a lot of questions regarding your baby's growth and development, including the formation and growth of your child's baby teeth.
Baby teeth are important as they create the space required for adult teeth to develop, determine the child’s facial structure, and help your young one eat and communicate.
At Varni Dental in San Jose, California, we regularly support parents by answering any queries they may have concerning baby teeth and their development. Here are 5 facts concerning baby teeth you should be aware of as a parent:
Oral Hygiene Should Begin Before the First Tooth Appears
Too often, parents do not begin their baby's oral hygiene routine until after their first tooth appears. However, care for their oral health should be a top priority from the very beginning. Fortunately, with a clean washcloth, this job is relatively simple. Simply wipe their gums with a clean finger and a washcloth after they've eaten and before they go to bed. Call us now.
Most Baby Teeth Develop in the First 6 to 12 Months
Each child develops at their own pace. However, your child's first teeth are likely to emerge between the ages of 6 and 12 months. Their lower front teeth are usually the first to appear, followed by their top teeth.
Watch Out for Cavities
About 40% of kids develop cavities by the time they begin kindergarten. If you want your child to be among the 60% who do not develop cavities, try to limit their intake of sugary snacks and drinks while they still have baby teeth.
How to Relieve Your Child's Teething Pain
When the teething process begins, your child may have a variety of symptoms, ranging from aching or swollen gums to irritability. For immediate relief, you can massage their gums and use a cold compress or teething ring to minimize swelling and inflammation.
Begin Scheduling Their Dental Appointments Early
Finally, once your baby's teeth begin to appear, you can start scheduling regular dental visits and cleanings at your dentist in San Jose, CA. This will allow you to detect any developing issues and address them as soon as possible.