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(408) 901-0101
San Jose, CA
Varni Dental

Deep Cleanings

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Everyone has plaque. It builds up on your teeth throughout the day, and you can remove it with a toothbrush and floss at least once per day. That said, it is very difficult to remove every last bit of plaque from even the best at-home oral hygiene routine. That's where professional dental cleanings at Varni Dental come in!

During a dental cleaning, one of our friendly hygienists will scrape off any plaque that you missed while brushing and flossing at home. They will even clean beneath the gum line to remove bacteria in case it has settled there. Then, we will polish your teeth to leave them looking bright and shiny. Cleanings are quick and painless, and they can help you keep your mouth healthy and happy.

Deep dental cleanings involve providing your teeth with a deep cleaning to get rid of plaque, tartar, and bacteria accumulated below the gum line and down to your tooth roots. This is done using special dental tools. The bacteria responsible for gum disease are usually present in tartar deposits on the surfaces of your teeth that are protected by your gums. When the bacteria multiply and grow, the toxins released by them will irritate your gums. This can lead to the gums pulling away from your teeth' surfaces, creating tiny pockets that allow the bacteria to move down to the roots. Infections around the lower part of your tooth can further weaken the roots, eventually leading to tooth loss.


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Undergoing a deep dental cleaning procedure removes bacteria present below the gum line and around the roots, thus preventing gum disease from advancing and leading to tooth loss. Your dentist in San Jose will also smooth your tooth roots' surfaces to make it harder for bacteria to stick to them. Sometimes, the hard-to-reach germs are destroyed using an antibiotic gel applied to the teeth during the cleaning. Before the procedure, you will be administered local anesthesia to numb the area, as the treatment involves going below the gum line.

A deep cleaning procedure is needed when too much bacteria and tartar buildup are present in the mouth. The deep cleaning process is also called scaling and root planing. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth's surface and gum pockets, while root planning involves removing plaque and tartar from the surface of the roots.

Root Planing and Scaling

When bacteria accumulates in your teeth, it can cause inflammation and soreness and lead to a number of oral health issues, including tooth decay and gum disease. A deep cleaning, also called scaling and root planing is a procedure that removes buildup from the roots of your teeth where the gum meets the tooth. Even if your teeth and gums feel fine, you should still visit your dentist for a routine checkup and cleaning twice a year. The goal of dental cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar from the areas that are hard to reach with a toothbrush or floss at home. This can help to prevent cavities and other dental issues. During a cleaning, the dentist will remove any debris on and around your teeth. Then, they will scrape the surface of each tooth using a small metal tool called an ultrasonic scaler. This tool vibrates, and sound waves help to loosen any buildup from the teeth and along the gum line. The dentist will then smooth the surface of the teeth with a hand-held instrument that scrapes the surface. Finally, your gums will be probed by the dentist to check for pockets that form between the gums and the teeth and to ensure they are healthy and not inflamed. Scaling and root planing are the only ways to treat periodontal (gum) disease before it develops into a larger problem. If you are concerned about the state of your oral health or need to schedule your next cleaning, contact a dentist today.

Why Are Deep Dental Cleanings Recommended?

Plaque, a sticky biofilm comprised of saliva and bacteria, accumulates around and below the gum line. It's normal for plaque to build up along the gums, but if it builds up too much, it can lead to gum disease issues. Gum disease is a progressive condition that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Luckily, a professional dental cleaning by the San Jose Dentists reduces the amount of plaque present on teeth, which allows patients to avoid these issues.

During a deep cleaning, a dentist or hygienist will remove the plaque from above and below the gum line. The dentist may also smooth the tooth surface and polish the teeth after the cleaning is complete. This helps prevent cavities from forming and helps remove stains from the teeth. Patients who are struggling with periodontal disease may require several professional dental cleanings in order to restore their oral health. Patients who have poor oral hygiene habits and suffer from gingivitis may benefit from more frequent cleanings.

What Makes a Deep Cleaning Different From Routine Dental Cleaning?

Regular dental cleanings are typically done by a professional dental hygienist, and they should be part of your regular oral health care and dental care routine in San Jose. However, if your dentist or hygienist notices that your gums are red or swollen, they may recommend a more in-depth dental cleaning known as a scaling and root planing treatment. This dental treatment is necessary if your teeth and gums are prone to infections or if your gums bleed when you floss. Swollen gums can indicate that you might have periodontal disease. This is a common problem among adults but can lead to tooth loss and even more serious health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Scaling and root planing clean between the gum line and the teeth down to the root of the tooth. In some cases, the pockets may be so deep that even regular cleaning cannot reach them. A local anesthetic may be given before the treatment to numb the area. After the procedure, patients should expect some soreness or sensitivity for a few days. These symptoms can be relieved with over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen.

Schedule an online appointment or call our dental practice to have a consultation with our Dentist in San Jose CA at Varni Dental, and we'll guide you further.
Deep Cleanings
Deep Cleanings
Deep Cleanings


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a deep cleaning?

A. A deep cleaning, also known as a deep dental cleaning or scaling and root planing, is a non-surgical procedure performed by a dentist or dental hygienist to remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gum line and around the teeth.

Q. Why do I need a deep cleaning?

A. Deep cleanings are typically recommended when there is a significant buildup of plaque and tartar and when there are signs of gum disease such as gum inflammation, bleeding, or pocket formation. It is an effective treatment to address gum disease and prevent further progression.

Q. How is a deep cleaning different from a regular cleaning?

A. A regular cleaning, also called prophylaxis, focuses on removing plaque and tartar from the visible surfaces of the teeth and above the gumline. A deep cleaning, on the other hand, involves cleaning below the gumline and smoothing the tooth roots to remove bacteria and toxins that cause gum disease.

Q. Does a deep cleaning hurt?

A. During a deep cleaning, the dentist or dental hygienist will usually administer a local anesthetic to numb the gums and ensure your comfort. As a result, you should not feel any pain during the procedure. After the deep cleaning, your gums may feel tender or sore for a few days, but this discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Q. How long does a deep cleaning take?

A. The duration of a deep cleaning can vary depending on the extent of the gum disease and the number of areas that need to be treated. Typically, it takes two separate appointments to complete a full mouth deep cleaning, with each appointment lasting around 1 to 2 hours.

Q. Are there any side effects or risks associated with deep cleanings?

A. Deep cleanings are generally safe procedures, but some individuals may experience temporary side effects such as gum soreness, sensitivity, or slight bleeding. In rare cases, an infection or damage to the tooth roots may occur. It is important to follow post-treatment instructions provided by your dentist to minimize any potential risks.

Q. How can I maintain the results of a deep cleaning?

A. Following a deep cleaning, it is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash recommended by your dentist. Attend regular dental checkups and cleanings to prevent the recurrence of gum disease.

Q. Can a deep cleaning cure gum disease?

A. Deep cleanings are an effective treatment for gum disease, especially in its early stages. However, in more advanced cases, additional treatments or surgical interventions may be necessary. It is important to consult with your dentist to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Q. Will my dental insurance cover the cost of a deep cleaning?

A. Many dental insurance plans cover a portion or all of the cost of deep cleaning, particularly if it is deemed medically necessary to treat gum disease. However, coverage can vary, so it is recommended to check with your dental insurance provider to understand your specific coverage details.

Q. Can I prevent the need for a deep cleaning?

A. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups, can help prevent the development of gum disease and the need for a deep cleaning. However, if gum disease does occur, early detection and prompt treatment can help minimize the severity and potential need for a deep cleaning.


Dental Terminology

Tooth scaling

The procedure that removes tartar from the surface of your teeth that you see when you smile.

Root planing

Root planing removes tartar from the roots of your teeth below your gum line.


The living part of the tooth that is located inside the dentin. The pulp contains the nerve tissue and blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tooth.

Gross Debridement

A gross debridement is a dental cleaning designed to locate and determine any additional teeth issues initially missed prior to a dental cleaning. These cleanings are typically done on patients that have not been to the dentist in a long time. A debridement is a thorough cleaning to remove all plaque buildup, almost like a clean slate to start from for improving your oral health.

Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning

This type of dental cleaning is usually reserved for dental patients that have gum disease. Like other cleanings, a lot of the focus is on removing plaque and tartar buildup, as well as cleaning the periodontal pockets.



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181 E Tasman Dr #60, San Jose, CA 95134
Phone: (408) 901-0101


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